Below are our wires for un-alloyed and low-alloyed steel.

Meltolit 707 FCW

Routile flux cored wire for difficult welded steels and stainless steels against regular steels. ...

Meltolit 707 FCW-PW

Meltolit 760-PW is a metal cored, copper coated, seamless hardfacing wire for allround surfacing ...

Meltolit 707 MCW

Metal cored wire for difficult welded steels and stainless steels against regular steels. Joining...

Meltolit 707 FCW-OA

Special flux cored self shielded austenitic stainless steel wire for open arc welding. The weld b...

Meltolit 308L

Routile flux cored wire suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to...

Meltolit 308L-PW

Flux cored wire suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to 21% Cr ...

Meltolit 309L

Routile flux cored wire for welding stainless steels of similar composition or ferritic stainless...

Meltolit 309L-PW

Routile flux cored wire for welding stainless steels of similar composition or ferritic stainless...

Meltolit 309L Mo

Routile flux cored wire for welding stainless steels of similar composition or ferritic stainless...

Meltolit 309L Mo-PW

Routile flux cored wire for welding stainless steels of similar composition or ferritic stainless...

Meltolit 310

Routile flux cored wire resistant to oxidation and scaling up to 1100°C. It is suitable for weldi...

Meltolit 310-PW

Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for gas shielded arc welding with 25Cr and 20Ni deposit. S...

Meltolit 253-PW

Flux cored wire where the weld metal has a scaling temperature beyond 1000°C. The controlled carb...

Meltolit 312

Meltolit 312 Routile flux cored wire with high alloy content and high ferrite ratio which allow ...

Meltolit 312-PW

Routile flux cored wire with high alloy content and high ferrite ratio which allow it to benefit ...

Meltolit 316L

Routile flux cored wire suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to...

Meltolit 316L-PW

Routile flux cored wire suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between 16 to...

Meltolit 316L MCW

Metal cored stainless steel wire suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content betw...

Meltolit 316L-OA

Self shielded flux cored wire suitable for welding stainless steels with an alloy content between...

Meltolit 318

Routile flux cored wire suitable for welding Nb and Ti-stabilised stainless steels with alloy con...

Meltolit 347

Routile flux cored wire suitable for welding stabilised stainless steels exposed to high temperat...

Meltolit 347-PW

Flux cored wire suitable for welding stabilised stainless steels exposed to high temperatures con...

Meltolit 385 (904L)

Routile flux cored wire suitable for welding stainless steels of similar composition and for diss...

Meltolit Duplex 2209

Routile flux cored stainless steel wire for welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless stee...

Meltolit Duplex 2209-PW

Routile flux cored stainless steel wire for welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless stee...

Meltolit Lean Duplex 2101

Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless steel...

Meltolit Lean Duplex 2101-PW

Rutile flux cored stainless steel wire for welding wrought, forged or cast duplex stainless steel...

Meltolit Super-Duplex (25 9 4)

Meltolit Super-Duplex (25 9 4) Routile special flux cored super-duplex wire for welding super-du...