Bronze/brass solders are used for brazing low and unalloyed steels as well as cast steels where the working temperature and/or the risk of deformation means that you do not want to use welding. 

Meltolit 850

Copper and Zinc-based brazing alloy for joining steel, steel castings and some copper alloys. The...

Meltolit 900

Copper and Zinc-based brazing alloy for joining steel, steel castings and some copper alloys. The...

Meltolit ES942

Copper and Zink-based bazing alloy with 1% Silver with very good fluidity. Used for brazing of st...

Meltolit ES945

Copper and Zink-based bazing alloy with 1% Silver and 10% Nickel with extra godd mechanical stren...

Meltolit NS95

Nickel-alloyed Zinc-based brazing alloy with high mechanical strenght and good fluidi...